Showing posts with label johansson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label johansson. Show all posts

December 29, 2016

Published Thursday, December 29, 2016 by

Scarlett Johansson - Aktris Terkaya 2016

Aktris seksi, Scarlett Johansson di nobatkan sebagai pemain film dengan bayaran termahal sedunia di tahun 2016 ini oleh situs

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October 13, 2014

Published Monday, October 13, 2014 by

Penelope Cruz - The Sexiest Woman Alive 2014

Penelope Cruz di nobatkan sebagai The Sexiest Woman Alive 2014 versi majalah pria Esquire.

Penelope memang masih tampak seksi di usia nya yang sudah 40 tahun. Ibu 2 anak, Leonardo dan Luna ini tampil stunning di cover majalah Esquire edisi November dengan memakai swimsuit hitam. Hot Mama !
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June 27, 2014

Published Friday, June 27, 2014 by

Dolce&Gabbana Spring 2015 Menswear


May 24, 2014

Published Saturday, May 24, 2014 by

Candice Swanepoel : Maxim HOT 100 Winner


April 11, 2014

Published Friday, April 11, 2014 by

Scarlett Johansson Ga Suka Di Panggil ScarJo


April 7, 2014

Published Monday, April 07, 2014 by

Captain America - 'The Winter Soldier' Rajai Box Office

Film superhero 'Captain America : The Winter Soldier' baru saja memecahkan rekor box office Amerika untuk perilisan film bulan April dengan angka pendapatan terbanyak. 

Film besutan Marvel Studio yang dibintangi oleh Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L Jackson, dll yang sempat melakukan syuting di Seoul, Korea Selatan ini berhasil mengumpulkan total pendapatan sebesar US$96 Juta hanya di Amerika saja dan US$303.3 Juta di seluruh dunia. (Angka ini di hitung per tanggal 4 - 6 April 2014).

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October 8, 2013

Published Tuesday, October 08, 2013 by with 0 comment

Scarlett Johansson Di Nobatkan Sebagai Wanita Terseksi 2013

Aktris seksi, Scarlett Johansson tahun ini di nobatkan menjadi wanita terseksi versi majalah pria, Esquire.

Scarlett menggantikan Mila Kunis yang tahun lalu ada di posisi ini dan merupakan kedua kalinya bagi pemeran Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff di film 'Avengers' ini di nobatkan sebagai 'The Sexiest Woman Alive'. Ia pernah meraih gelar ini di tahun 2006 silam.

Menganggapi hal ini, janda dari aktor Ryan Reynolds ini berujar :

Dalam wawancaranya, Scarlett juga bercerita tentang tunangannya, Romain Dauriac.

Scarlett juga sekaligus tampil sebagai cover majalah Esquire edisi bulan November.

Majalah Esquire memang rutin setiap tahunnya memberikan gelar 'Terseksi' bagi aktor dan aktris Hollywood.

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July 8, 2012

Published Sunday, July 08, 2012 by with 0 comment

Scarlett Johansson Cetak Rekor !

Sukses besar film "The Avengers" membuat pihak Marvel Studio akan langsung bersiap untuk Sequelnya, dan satu-satu nya tokoh wanita Super Hero di film tersebut, Natasha Romanoff atau Black Widow yang diperankan aktris sexy, Scarlett Johansson dipastikan akan kembali tampil di kelanjutan film Blockbuster ini.
Sebuah sumber mengabarkan, Scarjo (singkatan nama Scarlett) udah ditawari kembali untuk memerankan Black Widow dengan nilai kontrak yang "Gila" 13 Juta Pounds atau sekitar Rp.189 Milyar.
Woww... !!
Kalo kesepakatan ini udah deal nantinya, berarti ScarJo akan mencetak rekor baru sebagai Aktris dengan nilai kontrak tertinggi sepanjang sejarah perfilman Hollywood. Angka ini akan mengalahkan rekor yang selama ini dipegang Angelina Jolie yang dibayar 12,2 Juta Pounds atau Rp.177 Milyar untuk film "The Tourist" ditahun 2010 lalu.
Scarlett juga dinilai bermain bagus di "The Avengers" lalu, dan mampu menjadi Icon Super Hero wanita diantara jagoan-jagoan lelaki di film tersebut, ga hanya penonton, para kritikus film pun banyak yang memuji akting Scarjo dan menganggap janda Ryan Reynolds itu layak untuk kembali masuk dalam film berpendapatan besar tersebut.
Sequel "The Avengers" masih akan diisi oleh jagoan-jagoan Marvel lain seperti Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Ironman (Robert Downey Jr.), dll. Dikabarkan, pihak Marvel Studio akan  menambahkan Spiderman di Sequelnya nanti. Weitsss... tambah seru nih.. !

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May 6, 2012

Published Sunday, May 06, 2012 by

Scarlett Johansson Raih Walk Of Fame

Satu lagi selebritis Hollywood yang mendapat kehormatan, namanya diabadikan di Walk Of Fame, Scarlett Johansson.
Sang bintang The Avengers ini mengaku sangat bangga dan Excited mendapat penghargaan tersebur. Scarlett hadir di acara khusus yang dibuat untuknya dan langsung ber-posse di Walk Of Fame yang bertuliskan namanya tersebut pada hari Rabu 2/5 kemarin.
"I don't know, actually. I think you're nominated. There's a committee... and, I guess, they nominate you and then you receive a star, which is very exciting for me. I was totally thrilled, of course, because I feel very nostalgic about that kind of thing. It's a wonderful tradition and I felt like I finally made it. I really did! I was, like, ‘Wow! I've been in the industry for twenty years and I've worked since I was a kid.’ It felt like a big milestone." Ujar Scarlet bangga.
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April 25, 2012

Published Wednesday, April 25, 2012 by with 0 comment

Tato "I Love NY" Scarlett Johansson

Aktris sexy, Scarlett Johansson pamer tato baru dipergelangan tangan kanannya, tato yang berbentuk gelang rantai ber-bandul "I Heart NY".
Scarjo tampil di acara Premiere "The Avengers" di LA bersama pemain-pemain lain, seperti Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, dll.

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November 9, 2011

Published Wednesday, November 09, 2011 by with 0 comment

Celebrities Childhood Photos

Wajah unyu para selebritis waktu kecil dulu.

Dan Radcliffe

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September 15, 2011

Published Thursday, September 15, 2011 by with 0 comment

Foto Bugil Scarlett Johansson Beredar !!

Sepertinya janji hacker yang 'bersumpah' bakal membobol akun milik para selebriti Hollywood benar-benar dipenuhi. Setelah beberapa nama, kini giliran Scarlett Johansson yang jadi target. Awalnya Scarlett memang tak tahu namun setelah melihat beberapa foto pribadinya beredar, barulah ia sadar kalau ada yang salah dengan ponselnya.

Menurut kabar yang dilansir Contact Music, Scarlett Johansson yakin kalau ponselnya telah disadap hacker. Scarlett pun menghubungi FBI karena foto-foto bugil yang ia ambil menggunakan ponselnya tiba-tiba beredar luas di internet. Sejauh ini belum ada kepastian apakah kasus ini ada sangkut pautnya dengan pembobolan akun online milik selebriti lain atau tidak.

Scarlett Johansson memang bukan selebriti pertama yang jadi korban hacker. Sebelumnya, Vanessa Hudgens, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato dan Jessica Alba juga mengalami nasib yang sama. Malahan Gerard Butler juga sempat jadi korban dari kelompok hacker yang menamakan diri mereka Hollywood Leaks ini.

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May 30, 2011

Published Monday, May 30, 2011 by with 0 comment

Scarlet Johansson On W Magz

   Scarlett Johansson—as you’ve never seen her before.

As Buster Keaton
As Sarah Bernhardt

As Buster Keaton

As Buster Keaton

As Buster Keaton
As Buster Keaton

As Marlene Dietrich
   Source : W magazine
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May 27, 2011

Published Friday, May 27, 2011 by with 0 comment

Ryan Reynolds: I Don't Think I Want to Get Married Again !

   Although he worked his entire career to stay out of those magazines with the splashy headlines and rumor mill rumblings, Ryan Reynolds found himself on the cover of every one of them when he split from wife of two years, Scarlett Johansson , in December 2010. Now, he's opening up to about the physics of failed relationships.

"Relationships ending move you from who you were to who you are at a much more accelerated rate than almost anything else on earth," he explained.

    Since his split with arguably the sexiest woman in Hollywood, while she has been able to move on and has publicly done so with Sean Penn, Reynolds has no plans to get serious with anyone until he finds his way back to normal.
"Anyone who gets divorced goes through a lot of pain ,But you come out of it. I'm not out of it yet. At all."  he told Details.

    And the media's prying eye didn't help Reynolds to get over his marquee size love any faster. Although he understands that the salacious and salivating media comes with the territory, it doesn't mean he has to like it.

"I'll say this: The media wasn't invited to my marriage, and they're definitely not invited into the divorce."

    But invited or not, they assumed a front row seat ,however legitimate their information was.

"What was happening privately was the exact opposite of what was being reported, There was no story and no scandal, so the narrative was just created for me. That was the most disturbing part. I wasn't angry. I absolutely predicted every beat of it ... There was a time, though, when looking at the Internet was a miracle cure for feeling good about myself.
"I have not interest in dating right now, It just seems so kind of alien to me at this point ... I don't think I want to get married again." he said.

    But, still, like many of his jovial on-screen characters, Reynolds is able to see the silver lining in his darkness.

"Any kind of crisis can be good. It wakes you up. I gotta say, I'm a different person that I was six months ago."

Check out more story from Ryan's DETAILS cover shoot 

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April 30, 2011

Published Saturday, April 30, 2011 by with 0 comment

Lily Collins As A Snow White

   Daughter of musician Phil Collins, Lily, who was mentioned as an incarnation of Audrey Hepburn, because she has the classic face like Audrey Hepburn, one of the celebrity icons of antiquity.

    Lily will be playing in her first major role as "Snow White" or Snow White, one of the famous story that will be in the movie it looks very fit will be a snow princess.

  Taylor Lautner's lover is still not believing that she was the one who managed to portray the story of Snow White is a legend of the many names of more senior such as Natalie Portman, Anne Hathaway, and Scarlett Johannson.

     "Is That Real? Am I really Snow White? It's a dream come true." Lily said.

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April 19, 2011

Published Tuesday, April 19, 2011 by with 0 comment

Ohh Ternyata Mereka Kembar !

Aaron - Angel Carter

Michael & Ashton Kutcher

Gisele & Patricia Bundchen

Samantha & Charlotte Ronson

Scarlett & Hunter Johansson

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April 5, 2011

Published Tuesday, April 05, 2011 by with 0 comment

Super Hero Super Sexy

Adrianne Palicki - Wonder Woman

Alicia Silverstone - BatGirl

Anna Paquin - Rogue

Halle Berry - Cat Woman

Jenn Garner - Elektra

JessIca Alba - The Invisible Woman

Malin Akerman - Silk Spectre

ScarJo - Black Widow
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