May 6, 2012

Published Sunday, May 06, 2012 by

Scarlett Johansson Raih Walk Of Fame

Satu lagi selebritis Hollywood yang mendapat kehormatan, namanya diabadikan di Walk Of Fame, Scarlett Johansson.
Sang bintang The Avengers ini mengaku sangat bangga dan Excited mendapat penghargaan tersebur. Scarlett hadir di acara khusus yang dibuat untuknya dan langsung ber-posse di Walk Of Fame yang bertuliskan namanya tersebut pada hari Rabu 2/5 kemarin.
"I don't know, actually. I think you're nominated. There's a committee... and, I guess, they nominate you and then you receive a star, which is very exciting for me. I was totally thrilled, of course, because I feel very nostalgic about that kind of thing. It's a wonderful tradition and I felt like I finally made it. I really did! I was, like, ‘Wow! I've been in the industry for twenty years and I've worked since I was a kid.’ It felt like a big milestone." Ujar Scarlet bangga.