October 17, 2023

Published Tuesday, October 17, 2023 by with 0 comment


Following on from past collections, LEMAIRE continues to showcase visual and figurative motifs through capsule wardrobes that meld pictorial surfaces with the body in motion. 

LEMAIRE has created series of cotton pieces adorned with the work of Noviadi Angkasapura (1979 - ).

His raw pen drawings fuse East and West and seem to contain an unknown calligraphy, rooted in spirituality and nature. When worn, the drawings transform into animals allowing the silhouette to expand and the artwork to come alive, to reveal all its complexity.

Almost reminiscent of anatomical boards, these prints bring a novel strangeness to the wearer’s body, while the thinness and matte texture of the cotton, as well as the raw finishes of the garments evoke paper and the humbleness of the original medium of Angkasapura’s work. 

Noviadi Angkasapura was born in Irian Jaya, Papua New Guinea, in 1979. His mother came from Central Java and his father from East Java. 

Angkasapura lived in Irian Jaya through high school. Irian is known to be a cultural melting pot with immigrants from many of the Indonesian Islands like Borneo, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Bali, Madura, it deeply affected Angkasapura, who remembers the powerful influence of nature there, trees, rivers. In this lush greenery, he remembers drawing, sculpting rocks, tree trunks, and being restless outside everyday with indigenous Papuans.



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