Kate memakai beberapa baju koleksi desainer dunia seperti Stella McCartney, Versace, dan Donna Karan untuk pemotretan yang di lakukan oleh fotografer kawakan, Mario Testino.
Wawancara Kate dengan majalah Vogue :
On her unusual rise to the top :
'I had no clue. I wasn’t the target audience. I grew up in Florida, where you walk around in flip-flops and jean shorts. I didn’t know the fashion world. It really happened in an organic way, wanting to do jobs that I loved.'

On what her parents think of her work :
'Well, they never sit there and say, ‘Why did you do that?’ Because I always talk about things with them before I take a job. I don’t really ask for their permission. But I will say, ‘I really want to do this.’ And they understand. It’s just part of my personality, and maybe some things I took too far, but . . . I like being sexy.” I definitely have limits. But I never like to say never because I feel like I’m setting myself up. There’s a line between becoming, you know, a little cheap and cheesy versus being sexy. And I try to be very careful of that line.'