September 17, 2012

Published Monday, September 17, 2012 by with 0 comment

Zac Efron On BlackBook

Aktor tampan pemain film "The Paperboy", Zac Efron tampil sebagai cover majalah BlackBook edisi Oktober.
Zac bercerita tentang popularitas yang telah diraihnya sebagai aktor tak pernah membuatnya jadi sombong, Zac bilang, menjadi aktor adalah sesuatu yang ia suka, bukan uang atau popularitas yang sebenarnya ia cari di dunia hiburan ini.
 On becoming a famous actor :
"Around the time "Charlie St. Cloud" came out I was confused, I wasn't here for money; I didn't need any more of it. I wasn't here for fame; I wasn't enjoying it. I was here for art."
On how he views himself :
"As a man watching Zac Efron, I don't necessarily like me yet. So how can I like Zac Efron? Maybe, if that guy shook things up, did what I didn't expect him to do, if he wasn't afraid to be a dick, if he wasn't afraid to fall on his face, if he hung around long enough and did the grunt work, one day I might respect him."
On his upcoming movie "The Paperboy" :
"I wanted a project that involved risk. I wanted to see how deep the rabbit hole went and how far I could really push myself."



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