Sosialita Paris Hilton, terkenal sebagai pewaris tahta Hotel Hilton, Model, Aktris, Bisnis woman, penyanyi dan sekarang juga menjajal jadi Disc Jockey a.k.a DJ.
Kali ini, Paris tampil seksi di majalah V The Music Issue edisi terbaru.
Paris selalu tampil seksi, begitu juga di photoshoot majalah ini, ia menggunakan beberapa pakaian dari Alexander Wang, Roberto Cavalli, Blumarine, DVF, Louis Vuitton, sepatu Louboutin, Fendi, aksesoris dari Ellagem dan kosmetik L’oreal paris.
Paris pun menuturkan bahwa ia tak pernah membayangkan akan menjadi DJ seperti sekarang.
Simak wawancara Paris dengan editor majalah V, Emily Gruca berikut :
EMILY GRUCA : When did you begin deejaying?
PARIS HILTON : I started seriously training about three years ago, and I love it. I’ve been getting huge offers from all around the world, so I thought, Why not?
EG : Who are some of your favorite DJs?
PH : I consider so many amazing DJs to be my friends, so it’s hard to choose favorites, but I love watching Steve Aoki and Danny Ávila play. I think they are so talented and inspirational.
EG : What do you like about EDM?
PH : Dance music can instantly make people happy, which is such a powerful thing. I have been going to raves since I was 15 and have always had a love for this music.
EG : You’ve been working on a new album. Is it inspired by your DJ career?
PH : Definitely, because I’m around that type of music so much now. My taste in music has evolved and my favorite tracks right now are electro-pop and house. Also hip-hop.
EG : Are you producing on your album?
PH : My next goal is to get into producing, and I’m excited to learn more about it. I’m working with some of the best producers in the business and I think it’s important to learn from them and soak in as much as I can.
EG : Have you been collaborating with anyone special?
PH : Yes, with my friends Lil Wayne, Flo Rida, Snoop Dogg, and more. It’s a fun album that will put you in a good mood and make you want to dance!
EG : What have been some of your favorite places to tour as a DJ?
PH : Since my residency at Amnesia in Ibiza last summer, I’ve had so many great opportunities to deejay all over the world. I just did a great show at the Cavalli Club in Dubai, and I’ve had performances in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Italy, Bulgaria, L.A., Las Vegas, Moscow, Siberia, and more. One of my favorite experiences was performing in Macau for the Red Cross benefit for relief efforts in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan. When I heard about it, I immediately got on a flight to Macau to help support the cause. David Beckham, Stephen Baldwin, and a lot of great people came to watch me play. A fun time for a great cause!
EG : Over the past decade, you’ve kept a level of stability without ever going through the typical “celebrity breakdown.” How have you maintained yourself so incredibly well while still partying so much?
PH : I work hard and have so much to be responsible for—my music, my brands, and 45 retail stores, to name a few of my projects. I take every project very seriously and am proud of my work. I’m so happy in my daily life that a breakdown would not be possible. If you spend time focusing on creative ways to improve yourself and your work, I think it keeps you going in the right direction. It also helps to have such a loving and supportive family.
EG : Do you have a DJ signature?
PH : My signature is that I’m always dressed like I came off a fashion runway. I love rocking my Chanel fingerless gloves. I own more than 500 pairs and I call them my DJ gloves.
EG : How do you respond to criticism that you aren’t a legitimate DJ?
PH : There are always going to be haters in life. I don’t pay attention to those people. I’m doing what I love and selling out shows all around the world, and I’m getting paid a lot of money to do it. I’m passionate and I work hard to keep bettering my music, my sets, and myself. That’s what really matters.