Kim Kardashian jadi cover majalah DuJour edisi terbaru bulan Maret.
Photoshoot ini di ambil beberapa hari setelah Kanye mengumumkan kehamilan Kim, dan mengambil lokasi di kediaman Kim di Miami.
'My boyfriend has taught me a lot about privacy. I'm ready to be a little less open about some things, like my relationships. I'm realizing everyone doesn't need to know everything. I'm shifting my priorities.'
'I think there's always an evolution of, you know, what you want to do in life. It's all about finding things that really excite you and motivate you and spark you all over again.'
'I think there's always an evolution of, you know, what you want to do in life. It's all about finding things that really excite you and motivate you and spark you all over again.'
'I used to always say I can't wait to get pregnant because I will just eat whatever I want, but it's completely different. I'm like, OK, I want to eat as healthy as possible. Though lately I've been watching shows like I'm Pregnant and Addicted to Meth. It definitely makes me feel better if I'm wanting one sip of Diet Coke or, you know, too much sugar. I'm like, This woman is on meth.'
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