Berita duka kembali datang dari Hollywood, Desainer kondang yang juga kekasih dari Rocker, Mick Jagger, L'Wren Scott di temukan tewas tergantung di apartemennya di Manhattan, Senin pagi, 17/3.
Desainer berusia 49 tahun ini di temukan oleh asisten nya sekitar jam 10 pagi dalam keadaan tak bernyawa. Sang asisten mengaku di SMS oleh L'Wren jam 8.30 pagi dan menyuruhnya datang ke apartemen nya itu.
L'Wren dikabarkan sedang terlilit hutang sebesar US$ 6 juta atau sekitar Rp 67,8 Miliar. Bulan Februari lalu, ia juga sempat batal merilis koleksi terbarunya di London Fashion Week secara mendadak karena tidak memiliki cukup uang untuk membayar para staf. Perusahannya, LS Fasion Limited, mulai memiliki hutang sejak 2009 dan semakin membengkak di tahun-tahun berikutnya.
'Semua orang mengira dia punya kehidupan sempurna tapi saat kau tau tentang kehidupan aslinya, jelas berbeda. Dia punya bisnis dengan banyak tekanan tapi uang tidak selalu mengalir dari sana.' Ujar salah satu sahabat L'Wren.

Sesaat setelah di temukan tewas, Jasadnya langsung dibawa ke kantor Medical Examiner untuk diautopsi. L'Wren di kabarkan masih bersama sahabatnya, Ellen Barkin di kamarnya itu sampai jam 2:45 pagi sebelum di temukan tewas.
Yang lebih menyedihkan, L'Wren sempat mengupload foto-foto baju rancangannya di akun fanpage nya beberapa jam sebelum kejadian, yang mengerikan, baju-baju itu di gantung di atas sebuah pohon.
Mick Jagger sendiri sedang berada di Australia untuk melakukan konser bersama band nya, The Rolling Stones saat mendengar berita kematian pacarnya itu, Mick pun di kabarkan sangat shock. Sempat beredar kabar, bahwa sebelum meninggal, Mick dan L'Wren di kabarkan sudah putus, namun hal ini di bantah oleh perwakilan Mick Jagger.
L'Wren sendiri berhubungan baik dengan mantan istri Mick, Bianca, serta anak-anak Mick, seperti Georgia May, mereka sering terlihat tampil bersama. L'Wren yang mulai berpacaran dengan Mick sejak 2001 itu mengawali karir nya sebagai model di usia 17 tahun, L'Wren yang bertubuh jangkung 191 cm itu lahir bernama Luann Bambrough. Karier nya sebagai seorang desainer terbilang sukses, banyak selebritis dunia yang menjadi langganannya, di antaranya Amy Adams, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, Christina Hendricks, sampai Michelle Obama.
Kepergian L'Wren sontak mengejutkan banyak selebritis seperti mantan istri Mick, Bianca Jagger, Nicole Kidman, Naomi Campbell, Madonna, Anna Wintour, Olivia Munn, dll yang menyatakan belasungkawa di akun Twitter mereka.
Bianca Jagger : 'Heartbroken to learn of the loss of the lovely and talented L'Wren Scott. My thoughts and prayers are with her family. May she rest in peace'
Naomi Campbell : 'I am deeply shocked and devastated by the news. L'Wren was someone I knew since I was 17. We travelled the world together many times. L'Wren was someone I always loved. She was the epitome of elegance and femininity yet still had a girlish quality. I will miss her honesty and I will miss her friendship. My heart goes out to Mick and all who loved her and were loved by her. May she Rest in Peace.'
Anna Wintour : 'I am deeply saddened by the loss of L'Wren Scott. L'Wren was a total perfectionist, someone who absolutely embodied everything her marvelous clothes stood for: strength of character combined with a confident and powerful style. In person, L'Wren was always unbelievably generous, gracious, kind, and so much fun. Her old world American manners and charm were from another time, but her sensibility was always fiercely modern. We will all miss her.'
Nicole Kidman's rep : 'Nicole and L’Wren were close friends for 25 years. She is heartbroken and in shock right now, and unable to say anything.'
Olivia Munn : 'Shocked and saddened by the passing of @lwrenscott ... she was an amazing soul, talented artist and an unbelievably giving friend. RIP'
Bette Midler : 'Just got news of the beautiful L'wren Scott's death perhaps by her own hand. I am devastated. A rare, wonderful, talented soul. Goodbye.'
Emmy Rossum : ‘So sad to hear of the death of L'Wren Scott. What a beautiful woman and an incredible designer.’
Duran Duran : 'Such sad news. Our condolences are with L’Wren’s family and friends.'
Marc Jacobs : 'Rest in peace, L'Wren Scott. You'll forever be missed.'
Olivia Wilde : 'L'Wren Scott was brilliant, elegant, kind, and generous. S***. My heart goes out to her loved ones. What a tragedy.'
Alyssa Milano : 'Rest in Peace, beautiful L'Wren Scott,'
Christie Brinkley : 'Rest in Peace talented and elegant beauty L'Wren Scott.'
Bryan Adams : 'Devastated to have lost my friend L'wren. @lwrenscott Rest in peace my dear I'm gonna miss you. Condolences to all that were close to her.'
Evan Rachel Wood : 'I really admired L'Wren Scott. This is tragic.'
Rita Wilson : 'My heart goes out to friends & family of L'Wren Scott. You never know what sadness lies behind someone's public persona. Help is available.'
Sarah Jessica Parker : 'She was one who seemed to come naturally to joy. She was a joyous participant, a planner. She really enjoyed company and occasions. There was a delight to her that is hard to imagine extinguished. She didn't reveal another side to me but of course... we are all complex as human beings and I wouldn't have claimed to be privy to that other part of late. She had discipline, skill and talent and the recognition was an enormous source of pride for her because she waited so long and worked so diligently (on her career). She was a rare beauty and enjoyed being singular in a lot of ways. She will be genuinely missed in ways I can't even comprehend today. For those closest to her, sympathies are not enough. May she rest in peace, free of any worries.'
Madonna : This is a horrible and tragic loss. I'm so upset. I loved L'Wrens work and she was always so generous with me.'
Piers Morgan : 'Awful breaking news about L'Wren Scott, Mick Jagger's girlfriend'
Elizabeth Hurley : 'Shocking news about L'Wren Scott. She was lovely, passionate and talented. RIP.'
Daphne Guinness : 'L’Wren was a great, true friend and human being, a remarkable and gifted talent and it saddens me deeply to know that I won’t see her again. A devastating loss for everyone who knew her and my thoughts are with her family and loved ones at this time'
Mindy Kaling : 'Such terrible news about L'Wren Scott. She was an amazing designer.'