March 29, 2012

Published Thursday, March 29, 2012 by with 2 comments

Rihanna : I'm Single N Very Happy !!

Nahh image kayak gini yang ane suka dari seorang Rihanna, cantik, sexy, dan Nge-Chick. Rihanna tampil Stunning di Premiere film perdananya "Battleship" bersama Brooklyn Decker dll di London.
Namun saat PressCon, pertanyaan dari seorang wartawan Inggris bikin Rihanna agak kecewa, Sang jurnalis menanyakan kabar kebenaran hubungannya dengan aktor, Ashton Kutcher :
Wartawan : 'You're so good at connecting with people that I think that we actually feel we know you. Things are clearly going brilliantly in your career. I just wondered if you are as happy in your private life, and will we see a certain Mr. Ashton Kutcher perhaps making a trip over here?'
Rihanna : 'Wow, how disappointing was that question? I'm happy and I'm single, if that's what you're really asking.' jawab RiRi dengan wajah datar.
Cek Video nya disini yaaa