November 20, 2010

Published Saturday, November 20, 2010 by with 2 comments

Jyoti Amge : The Smallest Girl

     Jyoti Amge is the smallest girl in the world today comes from Nagpur, India.

     Amge  was born on December 16, 1993 Height 58 cm and weight 5.25 kg. She was born with a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia.

     Achondroplasia is a disorder that causes short stature. abnormalities in bone growth plate cartilage causing short stature. Generally, men with achondroplasia height less than 130 cm, women are much shorter. Achondroplasia are caused by defective genes.

    Dwarfism is a condition of a person in need of growth, with a little low and below normal. Dwarfism caused by a deficiency of growth hormone. There is no definition of low-merujukan people as "tiny". Height adults who experience dwarfism can be as high as around 1:25 to 1:40 Meter.


  1. Instead of celeberating this, I feel sad about the girl, though she is managing to be happy but fact is apart from this moment she must be cursing her fate
