May 31, 2012

Published Thursday, May 31, 2012 by with 0 comment

Rihanna Naked On Esquire UK

Rihanna kembali tampil "Berani" dalam majalah Esquire terbitan UK untuk edisi terbaru, July Issue. Kali ini Rihanna ikut bersuara, tentang siapa pengganti J.Lo sebagai juri American Idol musim selanjutnya. RiRi pun menyebut nama Cheryl Cole sebagai nama yang pantas menggantikan J.Lo.
"Ooh! Cheryl Cole is…hot. I would just like to watch her work. Preferably cleaning things on the floor. Picking up stuff on the floor. Bending over. She’s hot! I mean, literally…she’s so beautiful. I can completely see why the producers at American Idol are trying to get Cheryl – she would be amazing, She was received so well on the US X Factor and most people couldn’t really understand the decision to let her go. Since [the X Factor] she has gone from strength to strength, and is fast becoming a movie star over here." Ujar RiRi.

 Selalu tampil "nakal" dengan bertelanjang ria, kayaknya tinggal kemaluannya aja yang blom di ekspos (terlalu diumbar, ga seru juga yaa..)


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