September 9, 2011

Published Friday, September 09, 2011 by with 0 comment

Justin Timberlake di Majalah ShortList

Lama ga kedengaran kabarnya di industri musik , Justin Timberlake tampil di majalah ShortList bercerita tentang karier musiknya.

“To be honest, my plan would have probably been to do another record, probably right about now. I never stop considering myself a musician.” katanya.
“To me, it’s my bread and butter. And I mean that in a personal way — I don’t mean that it finances my ‘acting hobbies’. I joke with my friends that I should have a business card saying ‘David Fincher put me in a movie’, because Bad Teacher got a blessing due to The Social Network, and then Friends With Benefits came out of that. All the movies I’ve done were just opportunities that came up, but now that they’re all coming out back-to-back, people think, ‘Oh, he’s trying to make a statement by having an acting career.’ But it’s not like that for me. I don’t ever want to stop doing music.” Ungkap JT panjang lebar.
“I do pop music. I’m not saving the world. It’s making people forget about their worries, so I’ve always seen myself as an entertainer. I don’t take myself too seriously, so I don’t know how I can ask anyone else to.” tambahnya.


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