April 20, 2012

Published Friday, April 20, 2012 by with 0 comment

Mariah Carey In Shape

Mariah Carey pamer body sexy pasca melahirkannya di majalah Shape terbaru edisi Mei 2012, sesuai nama majalahnya, Shape tubuh Mimi kembali terlihat awesome setelah melahirkan bayi kembarnya Roc n Roe setahun lalu.
"Pregnancy was the best and hardest thing I'll ever go through" Ujar istri komedian Nick cannon ini.

"I put on 70 lbs but if you look at me in pictures you'd think it was more like 9,000 lbs. I have a lot of empathy with people who have to lose a lot of weight. I know for a lot of women, it can be wonderful and relatively easy. But for me, it was like “Okay, honey, do you have to do everything the hard way?"

 "I'm proud of how hard I worked to get my body back. I had to do this for me." Ujar sang Diva.



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