May 2, 2012

Published Wednesday, May 02, 2012 by

Georgia Salpa : FHM PhotoShoot

Sang duplikat Kim Kardashian, Georgia Salpa, model seksi asal Irlandia ini mendapat kesempatan besar untuk melakukan PhotoShoot pertamanya untuk FHM. #Me Likey
Nama mantan bintang Reality Show "Celebrity Big Brother" emang me-roket semenjak disebut sangat mirip dengan Sosialita, Kim Kardashian.
Georgia juga menjadi salah satu kandidat terkuat untuk menjadi Sexiest Women 2012 versi FHM dimana berdasarkan polling, saat ini ia berada diururtan teratas, walo hasil pastinya baru akan di-rilis hari ini.
"I like Rosie Huntington-Whiteley – she won last year, didn’t she? She’s amazing, I love her. I like Megan Fox, I think she’s really hot too." Ujar Georgia.
Georgia baru aja membeli sebuah apartement mewah di Dublin, karena kesibukannya sebagai selebrirtis, sampai saat ini Goergia masih harus mondar-mandir Irlandia - London.
"I really like it in London at the moment. I live right in the centre, and there’s something to do every night, loads of different parties. I love going out dancing with all the girls.”
Saat ditanya tentang perbedaan pria Inggris dan Irlandia? gini jawaban Georgia :
"I think English boys are more ballsy – they’ll actually come up and ask you out. In Ireland, I don’t get asked out much. English boys are a lot more flirty."
Menanggapi statusnya sebagai Jomblo selama 6 bulan terakhir, Georgia mengatakan bahwa :
"I’m the kind of girl who always has a boyfriend. I am enjoying being single, though. I like confident guys, tall guys, guys who have all their shit together. I like guys who wear nice clothes, nice jeans, nice trainers – I hate skinny jeans and those T-shirts that are really low-cut."